Long-Term Diet After Bariatric Surgery

Long-Term Diet After Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Supplements 101

For bariatric patients who are 6+ months out from surgery but have not met their goal weight

Once you’ve completed the 4 phase diet it’s time to continue your weight loss journey and embrace the long-term diet after bariatric surgery.

It’s likely that you lost a lot of weight during the 4 phase diet, but you haven’t reached your goal weight, yet. It’s at this point that you start the long-term post-op diet.

You’ll stick to this diet until you’ve reached your goal weight.

Long-Term Bariatric Diet Goals

As we said, the goal of your long-term diet is to ultimately arrive at your target weight. For most bariatric practices your goal weight is determined by the “Ideal Weight Chart” first published by the Metropolitan Life health insurance company.

You simply match your gender, height and weight to see what your target weight should be:

Ideal Body Weight Chart

Long-Term Diet Nutrient Goals

Meal Size and Plate Breakdown

Meal Dome Icon

Meal Size

Keep the total size of the meal to 4 – 6 ounces of food.

Measure and weigh everything you prepare and be as accurate as you can be to avoid “calorie creep.”

Plate Breakdown Graph

Plate Breakdown

Make sure your plate is made up of at least ½ to ⅔ protein and the rest made up of vegetables and starches

Eat Protein First & Don’t Drink with Meals

Eat Protein First

Always eat the protein portion of your meal first. Once you finish the protein move on to the veggies and starches. If you’re full after eating the protein portion stop eating! Don’t worry about the “clean plate club.”

Don’t Drink with Meals

Hold drinking any fluids 30 minutes before your meal, during your meal and 30 minutes after your meal. This will help you feel fuller and help with macronutrient absorption

What foods should I eat?

Long Term Diet Nutrients Table

Sample Meal Plans
Perfectly Balanced Bariatric Meal Plans

Download the Long Term Diet after Bariatric Surgery Infographic

Download the FREE Long-Term Bariatric Diet Infographic
