Written by Bryee Shepard, MS, RD

Gastric Sleeve Incisions – Everything you need to know

As with any surgical procedure, patients are often very concerned with the postsurgical healing process. This includes recovery time around the incision itself. With the gastric sleeve procedure, there are a few different incision options that we will discuss in this post, but first, let’s discuss the gastric sleeve procedure itself. The gastric sleeve, or […]

Getting the Most Out of Your Gastric Sleeve Results

There is a lot of information swirling around the internet about gastric sleeve surgery and its outcomes. This article will break down exactly what you can expect from your gastric sleeve surgery including both short-term and long-term results (yes, there’s a difference). Let’s first discuss the surgery itself. The gastric sleeve is also known as […]

Gastric Sleeve Success Rates

The gastric sleeve procedure, or sleeve gastrectomy, is the ever-popular bariatric surgery in which the surgeon removes part of the stomach, creating a narrow pouch, or sleeve. This newly formed sleeve is significantly smaller and can hold far less food. It is often thought to be somewhat safer than gastric bypass surgery resulting in fewer […]
